
Our priority is maximum recovery and recycling of waste material and, as a result, its minimum storage.

maksymalne odzyskiwanie surowców wtórnych ze zbieranych i przetwarzanych odpadów, a co za tym idzie minimalizacja ich składowania.
A synergy of experienced local companies fuels our logistics and cutting-edge waste processing facilities. Together, we are able to see more, and as we operate in small towns, we want to bring innovation to local communities.

Clean Today, Bright Tomorrow!

Our Values

Exploring new horizons, we conduct research, seeking innovative uses for processed waste. Through comprehensive eco-education, we cultivate proper waste sorting and sustainable growth. Empowering and educating children, youth, and adults drives the required recycling rates.

Meet Sireco


Sireco facilities are continually modernized and aligned with the latest technical requirements under Polish law and EU guidelines. Years of expertise shape our innovative use of solutions, machinery, and equipment.


Certifications are a proof of excellence and market stability.

ISO 9001:2015 and 14001:2015 for ZUO Clean City
Sustainable Solid Biomass and Biogas Fuel Production (KZR INiG) for ZUO Clean City
ISO 9001:2015 and 14001:2015 for EKO-MYŚL
Sustainable Solid Biomass and Biogas Fuel Production (KZR INiG) for EKO-MYŚL
Sustainable Solid Biomass and Biogas Fuel Production (KZR INiG) for ZUO INTERNATIONAL

Our Facilities

Sireco unites three waste disposal plants: ZUO Clean City in Mnichy (with Trans-Kom), ZUO International in Kunowice, and EKO-MYŚL in Dalsze. We have the status of Municipal Facilities (RIPOK) that covers Lubuskie, Zachodniopomorskie and Wielkopolskie voivodships, and our operations cover the whole of Poland.


Our Trusted Partners:

Years of collaboration with municipalities based on trust and partnership.

Our Lab

Sireco conducts numerous research projects. Our ZUO International facility houses a state-of-the-art laboratory for measurements and analyses, searching for innovative applications for processed waste.

The laboratory is equipped with: w urządzenia:

– Calorimeter,
– Carbon, hydrogen, and sulfur analyzer,
– Spectrometer,
– TGA analyzer.

Continuous lab oversight reflects our responsible business practices and care for environmental protection.

It enables optimalisation of technology, and improvement of the quality of waste fractions that are further processed. Our focus extends to alternative fuels, municipal waste, compost, and landfill leachates.

The Sireco Lab enables real-time analysis during waste processing, with quick response to deviations from expected values.

Taking responsibility

We care about the environment, so we take responsibility for safe waste processing and disposal. Innovation drives us, while research programs improve recovery and recycling rates.


Our companies actively engage in educational initiatives, fostering community involvement. Events and campaigns promote correct waste sorting, and spreading ecological awareness.

For inquiries on ecological education, reach out and let’s make a difference together!


Inspiring Eco-Enthusiasm—Our Recipe for Success in building an aware society! Engaging Workshops Eco-education that sparks interest


Truly engaging workshops are the best way to effectively educate about ecology!


Uniting generations through outdoor events.


Inspiring Eco-Enthusiasm—Our Recipe for Success in building an aware society! Engaging Workshops Eco-education that sparks interest


Truly engaging workshops are the best way to effectively educate about ecology!


Uniting generations through outdoor events.


We organize eco-competitions, and eagerly support local initiatives.

School Programs

We provide comprehensive green curricula for every educational level.


We organize eco-competitions, and eagerly support local initiatives.

School Programs

We provide comprehensive green curricula for every educational level.


The Sireco Foundation, established on December 7, 2022, is a collaborative venture of three companies: ZUO Clean City, ZUO International, and EKO-MYŚL. Our primary mission is to raise ecological awareness and disseminate knowledge about environmental conservation, water management, biodiversity, sustainable development, climate change mitigation, low-emission transport, energy efficiency, renewable energy and air quality protection.


Sireco is all about teamwork—we work together for shared success! That’s why we offer our employees attractive conditions and a friendly work environment, recognizing their contribution to the company’s growth. As a Group, we put emphasis on the exchange of experiences among employees across our three companies


Our innovative initiatives receive support from state and EU funds. We consistently secure funding for the professional development of our employees.

A project called “Research Center for Waste Treatment and Management Processes.”

The project titled “Development of technology for processing mixed waste plastics to produce construction products and materials” has been subsidized by the European Union under the Regional Operational Program of the West Pomeranian Voivodeship 2014-2020, Activity 1.1 Research and development projects of enterprises. The main objective of the project is to increase the level of innovation and competitiveness of the company by increasing involvement in research. Implementation of the project will enable the development of a technology for processing mixed waste plastics to produce construction materials and products. The technology will allow the reuse of waste plastics in the form of construction products for civil engineering structures, including roads, bicycle paths or sidewalks, which will be used as a substitute for mineral aggregate and prefabricated retaining walls.

Total value of the project: PLN 303,170.40.

The project is co-financed by the European Union: PLN 200,000.00.